Unlocking the Power of Custom Composables in Playwright Tests: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Mikko - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Custom Composables in Playwright Tests: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of using generic, pre-built composables in your Playwright tests? Do you want to take your test automation to the next level by creating and using your own custom composables? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to harness the power of custom composables and unlock their full potential in your Playwright tests.

What are Composables in Playwright?

Before we dive into using custom composables, let’s quickly cover what composables are in Playwright. In Playwright, a composable is a reusable piece of code that can be used to perform a specific action or set of actions on a web page. Composables are essentially building blocks of test automation, allowing you to create modular, reusable, and efficient tests.

Why Use Custom Composables?

Using custom composables can greatly benefit your test automation efforts in several ways:

  • Increased flexibility**: Custom composables allow you to tailor your tests to your specific application’s needs, making them more efficient and effective.
  • Better reusability**: By creating custom composables, you can reuse them across multiple tests, reducing duplication and increasing maintainability.
  • Faster development**: With custom composables, you can speed up your test development process by reusing existing code and focusing on more complex test scenarios.

Creating Your Own Composable

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of custom composables, let’s create our own! A composable is essentially a function that takes in some input (e.g., a page object) and performs a specific action. Here’s an example of a simple composable that clicks a button:

// myComposables.ts
export function clickButton(page: Page, selector: string) {

In this example, we’ve created a `clickButton` composable that takes in a `page` object and a `selector` string as inputs. The composable then uses the `page.click()` method to click the element matching the provided selector.

Using Your Custom Composable in a Playwright Test

Now that we have our custom composable, let’s use it in a Playwright test! Here’s an example test that uses our `clickButton` composable:

// example.spec.ts
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { clickButton } from './myComposables';

test('Clicking the login button navigates to the dashboard', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('https://example.com/login');
  await clickButton(page, 'button[type="submit"]');
  await expect(page.url()).toBe('https://example.com/dashboard');

In this example, we’ve imported our `clickButton` composable and used it in our test to click the login button. The composable takes in the `page` object and the selector `button[type=”submit”]` as inputs, and clicks the element matching the selector.

Benefits of Using Custom Composables in Playwright Tests

Using custom composables in your Playwright tests offers several benefits, including:

  • Easier test maintenance**: With custom composables, you can update your tests more easily by modifying the composable code rather than updating individual tests.
  • Faster test development**: By reusing custom composables, you can speed up your test development process and focus on more complex test scenarios.
  • Improved test readability**: Custom composables can make your tests more readable by abstracting away complex test logic and focusing on the test’s intent.

Best Practices for Creating Custom Composables

When creating custom composables, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Keep it simple**: Aim to create composables that perform a single, specific action. This makes them easier to reuse and maintain.
  2. Use descriptive names**: Choose descriptive names for your composables that clearly convey their purpose.
  3. Document your composables**: Document your composables with clear explanations of their inputs, outputs, and any assumptions they make.
  4. Test your composables**: Thoroughly test your composables to ensure they work as expected in different scenarios.

Common Use Cases for Custom Composables

Custom composables can be used in a variety of scenarios, including:

Use Case Description
Login/Logout Creating a composable to handle login and logout functionality can simplify your tests and reduce duplication.
Form Filling A composable can be created to fill out forms with specific data, making it easier to test form submission.
API Interactions Custom composables can be used to interact with APIs, making it easier to test API-driven applications.
Wait for Elements A composable can be created to wait for specific elements to appear on the page, making it easier to test dynamic content.


In this article, we’ve covered the benefits of using custom composables in Playwright tests, including increased flexibility, better reusability, and faster development. We’ve also shown you how to create your own custom composable and use it in a Playwright test. By following best practices and using custom composables strategically, you can take your test automation to the next level and create more efficient, effective, and maintainable tests.

Final Thoughts

Remember to keep your composables simple, well-documented, and thoroughly tested. With custom composables, you can unlock the full potential of Playwright and create test automation that truly shines.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Playwright testing with your own composables!

How do I import my composables in a Playwright test?

Easy peasy! You can import your composables just like you would in a regular JavaScript file. Make sure they’re exported from their respective files, and then import them in your test file using the `import` statement. For example, if you have a composable `useMyComposable` in a file called `composables.js`, you can import it like this: `import { useMyComposable } from ‘./composables.js’;`

Do I need to wrap my composable in a function to use it in a Playwright test?

In most cases, yes! Since Playwright tests run in a Node.js environment, you’ll need to wrap your composable in a function to make it accessible. You can do this by creating a wrapper function that returns your composable, like so: `const useMyWrappedComposable = () => useMyComposable();`. This allows you to call the wrapper function in your test and access the composable.

Can I use my composable with Playwright’s `page` object?

Absolutely! You can use your composable with Playwright’s `page` object to interact with your application. For example, if you have a composable `useMyForm` that returns a form element, you can use it like this: `const form = await page.evaluate(useMyForm);`. This allows you to access and interact with your form element in your test.

Will my composable work with Playwright’s context and browser instances?

You bet! Your composable will work seamlessly with Playwright’s context and browser instances. You can use your composable with a specific context or browser instance by passing it as an argument to the wrapper function. For example: `const useMyComposableWithContext = (context) => useMyComposable({ context });`. This allows you to use your composable with different contexts and browser instances in your tests.

What if my composable relies on external libraries or dependencies?

No worries! You can still use your composable in a Playwright test even if it relies on external libraries or dependencies. Just make sure to import and require those dependencies in your test file, and they’ll be available to your composable. If needed, you can also use Playwright’s `beforeAll` or `beforeEach` hooks to setup and teardown those dependencies.

I hope these questions and answers help you unlock the full potential of using your own composables in Playwright tests!

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