Solving the Frustrating GitHub Issue: “I’m Having Issue in Updating my Git Files” [Closed]
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Solving the Frustrating GitHub Issue: “I’m Having Issue in Updating my Git Files” [Closed]

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Are you tired of staring at that dreaded GitHub error message, feeling like you’ve tried everything to update your Git files but to no avail? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common issues that cause this problem and provides step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

Understanding the GitHub Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a closer look at the issue itself. When you encounter the “I’m having issue in updating my Git files” error, it usually means that there’s a problem with your Git repository or local files. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Conflicting changes between your local files and the GitHub repository
  • Incorrect Git configuration or credentials
  • Corrupted local files or repository
  • Inconsistent file permissions
  • GitHub rate limiting or server issues

Step 1: Check Your Git Configuration and Credentials

The first step in troubleshooting this issue is to ensure that your Git configuration and credentials are correct. Here are some checks to perform:

  1. Verify your GitHub username and password by logging in to If you’ve recently changed your password, make sure to update your Git credentials accordingly.
  2. Check your Git config file (~/.gitconfig) to ensure that your username and email are correct. You can do this using the command:
git config --list

If you find any errors, update your config file using the following commands:

git config --global "YourGitHubUsername"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Step 2: Resolve Conflicting Changes

Conflicting changes between your local files and the GitHub repository can cause the update issue. To resolve this, follow these steps:

  1. Use the command git status to check for any uncommitted changes in your local repository.
  2. If you find any uncommitted changes, commit them using git add . and git commit -m "commit message".
  3. Use the command git pull origin to fetch the latest changes from the GitHub repository.
  4. If you encounter any merge conflicts, resolve them manually by editing the conflicting files. Then, commit the changes using git add . and git commit -m "resolved merge conflicts".

Step 3: Check for Corrupted Local Files or Repository

A corrupted local file or repository can also cause the update issue. Here’s how to check and fix it:

  1. Use the command git fsck --full to check for any corrupted files or loose objects in your local repository.
  2. If you find any errors, use the command git gc --prune=now to remove any unnecessary objects and loose ends.
  3. Try updating your repository again using git pull origin .

Step 4: Check File Permissions

Inconsistent file permissions can also cause issues when updating your Git files. Here’s how to check and fix it:

  1. Use the command git ls-files --stage to check the file permissions in your local repository.
  2. If you find any files with incorrect permissions, use the command chmod to update the permissions accordingly.
  3. For example, to update the permissions for a file called “example.txt”, use the command:
chmod 755 example.txt

Step 5: Check for GitHub Rate Limiting or Server Issues

GitHub rate limiting or server issues can also cause the update issue. Here’s how to check and fix it:

  1. Check the GitHub Status page to see if there are any ongoing server issues or maintenance.
  2. If you’re exceeding the GitHub rate limit, try updating your repository using the command:
git pull origin  --wait

This will wait for a short period before retrying the pull operation, avoiding the rate limit.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, here are some additional tips to try:

  • Try updating your Git repository using the command git fetch origin followed by git reset --hard origin/.
  • Check for any Git hooks that might be interfering with the update process. You can do this by running the command git config --get-all core.hooksPath.
  • If you’re using a Git client or IDE, try updating your repository using the command line instead.
  • Try updating your repository from a different network or location to rule out any network-related issues.


Updating your Git files can be a frustrating experience when errors occur. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the “I’m having issue in updating my Git files” error and get your repository back on track. Remember to check your Git configuration and credentials, resolve conflicting changes, check for corrupted local files or repository, check file permissions, and troubleshoot GitHub rate limiting or server issues. With patience and persistence, you’ll be able to overcome this issue and continue collaborating with your team on GitHub.

Solution Command
Check Git config git config --list
Resolve conflicting changes git pull origin
Check for corrupted files git fsck --full
Check file permissions git ls-files --stage
Check for GitHub rate limiting git pull origin --wait

By following these steps and commands, you’ll be able to overcome the “I’m having issue in updating my Git files” error and continue working with your team on GitHub.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about “GitHub issue: I’m having an issue in updating my Git files [closed]”

What does it mean when my GitHub issue is marked as “[closed]”?

Don’t panic! A “[closed]” status on your GitHub issue simply means that the issue has been resolved or is no longer relevant. This can happen when you’ve updated your files successfully, or someone else has helped you fix the problem.

Why can’t I update my Git files?

There could be several reasons why you’re having trouble updating your Git files. Make sure you’re connected to the internet, and your credentials are correct. Also, check if there are any conflicts or merge issues that need to be resolved.

How do I troubleshoot my GitHub issue?

To troubleshoot your GitHub issue, start by checking the error message or description for clues. Then, try updating your files again, and if the issue persists, try restarting your Git client or checking your Git configuration.

What if I’m still having trouble updating my Git files?

If you’re still having trouble, you can try seeking help from the GitHub community or a Git expert. Provide as much detail as possible about your issue, including any error messages or steps you’ve taken so far.

Can I reopen a closed GitHub issue?

Yes, you can reopen a closed GitHub issue if the problem persists or if you need further assistance. Just click the “Reopen” button on the issue page, and provide an update on what’s not working as expected.

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