The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling the Mysteries of Web Animation Style Properties
Image by Mikko -

The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling the Mysteries of Web Animation Style Properties

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Are you tired of feeling like a detective trying to crack the code of which style properties are currently being applied by a web animation? Are you fed up with sifting through a sea of styles, only to find that the one you’re looking for is hiding in plain sight? Fear not, dear developer, for we have the solution to your problem!

Why is it so hard to determine the exact style properties currently being applied by a web animation?

Web animations can be notoriously tricky to debug, and it’s not uncommon for developers to struggle to identify which style properties are currently being applied. There are several reasons for this:

  • Animations often involve multiple styles being applied simultaneously. This can make it difficult to pinpoint which style property is responsible for a particular effect.
  • Animations can inherited styles from parent elements, making it hard to distinguish between inherited and animation-specific styles.
  • Animations can also override existing styles, leading to a complex web of style properties that can be difficult to unravel.

So, how do we determine the exact style properties currently being applied by a web animation?

Luckily, there are a few techniques you can use to get to the bottom of this mystery:

Technique #1: Using the Browser’s DevTools

The first technique involves using the browser’s built-in DevTools. Most modern browsers come equipped with powerful debugging tools that allow you to inspect the styles being applied to an element.

To access the DevTools, simply right-click on the element in question and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”. This will open up the DevTools panel, where you can view the element’s styles and layout.

In the Styles tab, you’ll see a list of all the styles currently being applied to the element. Look for the “Animations” section, which will display a list of all the animations currently running on the element.

By hovering over each animation, you can see a breakdown of the styles being applied, including the start and end values for each property.

<element> {
  animation: my_animation 3s linear;

@keyframes my_animation {
  0% {
    transform: translateX(0);
  100% {
    transform: translateX(100px);

In this example, the animation “my_animation” is applied to the element, and the DevTools will display the start and end values for the transform property.

Technique #2: Using the `getComputedStyle()` Method

The second technique involves using the `getComputedStyle()` method to retrieve the computed styles for an element.

The `getComputedStyle()` method returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object, which contains a list of all the styles currently being applied to an element.

const element = document.querySelector('element');
const styles = getComputedStyle(element);


This will log the entire CSSStyleDeclaration object to the console, which can be a bit overwhelming. To extract the animation-specific styles, you can use the `getPropertyValue()` method:

const animationStyle = styles.getPropertyValue('animation');


This will log the animation style property to the console, which will include the animation name, duration, and other relevant details.

Technique #3: Using the `window.getMatchedCSSRules()` Method (Chrome Only)

The third technique is specific to Chrome and involves using the `window.getMatchedCSSRules()` method.

This method returns an array of CSSRule objects, which contain information about the styles currently being applied to an element.

const element = document.querySelector('element');
const rules = window.getMatchedCSSRules(element);


This will log an array of CSSRule objects to the console, which can be filtered to extract the animation-specific styles.


Determining the exact style properties currently being applied by a web animation can be a daunting task, but with these three techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex animations.

Remember, the key to success lies in using a combination of these techniques to gain a deeper understanding of how web animations work.

Technique Description
Using the Browser’s DevTools Use the browser’s built-in DevTools to inspect the styles being applied to an element.
Using the `getComputedStyle()` Method Use the `getComputedStyle()` method to retrieve the computed styles for an element.
Using the `window.getMatchedCSSRules()` Method (Chrome Only) Use the `window.getMatchedCSSRules()` method to retrieve an array of CSSRule objects for an element.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to debug even the most complex web animations with ease, and unlock the secrets of the style properties currently being applied.

Final Thoughts

Web animations are an essential part of modern web development, and being able to debug them effectively is crucial for building fast, responsive, and engaging user experiences.

We hope this article has provided you with the knowledge and tools you need to take your web animation skills to the next level.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to try out these techniques on your own projects and experiment with different animations and styles.

Happy coding, and we’ll see you in the next article!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about determining the exact style properties currently being applied by a web animation:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to identify the exact style properties currently being applied by a web animation, without getting mixed up with all the other styles!

How can I inspect the computed styles of an animated element?

You can use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the computed styles of an animated element. In Chrome, for example, you can press F12 to open the dev tools, then select the ‘Elements’ tab, and finally click on the element you want to inspect. In the ‘Styles’ tab, you’ll see the computed styles, including the ones applied by the animation.

What’s the deal with the `getComputedStyle()` method?

Ah, `getComputedStyle()` is a JavaScript method that returns the resolved style of an element, including any styles applied by animations! You can use it to get the current computed style of an element, and then iterate through the properties to find the ones applied by the animation.

Can I use the `animationName` property to identify the animation styles?

You’re on the right track! The `animationName` property returns the names of the animations applied to an element. However, it won’t give you the exact style properties applied by the animation. Instead, you can use it to get the animation name, and then use that to find the corresponding keyframe styles in the CSS.

Is there a way to programmatically get the animation styles using JavaScript?

Yes, you can use JavaScript to get the animation styles! One way is to use the `getComputedStyle()` method, as I mentioned earlier. Another way is to use the `animate()` method, which returns an `Animation` object that has a ` EFFECT` property containing the current animation effect. You can then access the `style` property of the effect to get the current animation styles.

Are there any browser-specific tools or features that can help me debug animation styles?

Ah, yes! Each browser has its own set of developer tools that can help you debug animation styles. For example, in Chrome, you can use the ‘Animations’ tab in the dev tools to visualize and inspect the animations applied to an element. In Firefox, you can use the ‘Animations’ inspector to debug animation styles. And in Safari, you can use the ‘Web Inspector’ to inspect the animation styles.